Education & Outreach
Project Manager: Carrie Bohannon
Team Members: Angie Castro, Cat Colson, Amber Geiger, Pauline Kim, Dora Schmidt, and Maya Yoshihara.
Protected bikeway qualities poster by Carrie bohannon
Protected Bikeways
The Protected Bikeway Qualities poster, created by Carrie Bohannon, shares characteristics of safe bikeways, unsafe bikeways, and a list of protected streets. The poster will be shared around the University of Oregon campus and downtown.
24th Avenue Proposed Protected Bike Lane
The 24th poster, created by Angie Castro, shares information about a protected bike lane the City of Eugene is proposing. The poster addresses initial community concerns from the community engagement process. The poster also provides a QR code for viewers to quickly access more information. That website is also accessible here. Angie’s poster will be posted at every intersection on 24th.
24th poster created by ANgie castro
Ride Transit for Free created by Maya Yoshihara
Ride Transit for Free!
This poster, created by Maya Yoshihara, provides resources for UO students to get access to Lane Transit District bus services. The poster takes users step-by-step until they are on the bus! A QR code is provided but also accessible here. The poster will be distributed throughout the University of Oregon campus as well as Resident Assistants and other student leaders.